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Michael Hymanson
Author-Executive and Security Consultant-Board Certified Protection Professional-Licensed P.I.

Michael Hymanson, co-author of Legends of the Security Services Industry: Profiles in Leadership, is a career security services industry professional, currently providing executive, consulting, writing, and research services for select industry clients. After graduating from Cornell University with a B.S. in Industrial & Labor Relations, he began his security career in 1974, at Pan American Investigation Service, Inc. He became a licensed private investigator, president, and owner of the company until U.S. Security Associates acquired the company in 2006. From 2006 until 2018, he held regional operating and sales positions at U.S. Security Associates, including time as the company qualifying officer and licensee for New York State. Michael is a Board-Certified Protection Professional (CPP®) and has conducted security consulting services to Fortune 500 companies, and many major organizations and institutions. Michael is a long-time member of ASIS International and Associated Licensed Detectives of New York State, where he served as president, chairman, and treasurer. He has authored articles for Hotel Business Review, Security Director Magazine, and other trade publications.